Oldcp Commands

/ai1) ItemIDAdd an item by ID.
/addallAdd all items in OldCP lists.
/be1) Mascot name.Turn into a mascot.
/head1) Head nameOnly works during head party. Change your head item to a funny face.
/usersGet the amount of users on the server.
/rank1) UsernameGet rank of player. (1: Normal ? 2: Moderator ? 3: Administrator)
/jr1) Room IDJoin room by ID.
/ac1) Amount (Coins)Add coins to your penguin.
/superattack1) UsernameTrigger bot attack on your player. If no username, it will use yourself.
/title1) MessageChange player title.
/snailonTransform your penguin into snail form.
/snailoffTransform your snail back into a penguin.
/pin1) IDSet your pin.
/clone1) UsernameClone penguin into yourself. Requires relogin!
/global1) MessageBroadcast message on server.
/groom1) MessageBroadcast message to room.
/roomGet the amount of users in the room.
/echo1) MessageOutput message to client.
/goto1) UsernameSpawn at location of wanted user.
/roomidGet ID of current room.
/summon1) UsernameSummon desired player to client location.
/allto1) IDShift all users on server to desired location.
/hideBecome anonymous to player finders.
/unhideBecome visible to player finders.
/removecredits1) Amount,   2) UsernameRemove credits from user. (Credits ARE ereased from currency).
/transfer1) Username,   2) AmountTransfer suggested amount of your credits to another user.
/creditsGet your credit balance.
/officeGoes to the office.
/unban1) UsernameUnbans player.
/clean1) Mode,   2) [Dynamic]Monitor stats and usage on server.
/forcountList clients in server without checking stream status.
/ccountGet clients on server object.
/newcp1) Item Type,   2) Item IDSets certain clothing types to suggested ID. (Can include newcp items.) E.g. /newcp body 4034 to be a ninja. (Relogin required).
/kick1) UsernameKicks user.
/ban1) UsernameBans user.